Sacred Space: Can I Keep It Real With You?

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Sacred Space: Can I Keep It Real With You?

Throughout my life, I'd always been so curious about the "why's" of the world.

Why do people do "this" or "that"?

Why am I not allowed to do "this" or "that"?

Why do "they" feel "this" is not appropriate?

And so many other why's.

Growing up, so many things were considered "taboo". We all knew not to do certain things, but there wasn't much of a reason why other than "because I said so". It seemed like this unconscious awareness of what was okay to discuss and what was forbidden reached many minds.

Only now, as an adult, as I have taken steps to self-discovery and self-improvement, that I have created change in my awareness and I am able to share my learnings/perception with my family, friends, and now, community.

I have been diving more and more into astrology and psychology. To me, they both go hand-in-hand. They are both vehicles for which we can use to understand ourselves and others more deeply which allows us to have more compassion and empathy.

Of course, it takes time to grasp the concepts, but when you start to pull back the layers of your natal chart and the layers of your subconscious habits/patterns/wounds, you will start to face your own shadow and start to reclaim your power and agency.

There's plenty of ways in which people connect with their authentic selves. I'm going to share with you the way that has helped me make HUGE progress over the last two years, especially in the 18 months. Also, I have curated my feed on social media to only follow people/content that will support my journey like "The Hood Healer" and "The Holistic Psychologist" on IG. They've guided me towards giving myself a "spiritual tune-up" with the knowledge they share so freely.

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If you follow me on IG, you may know that I've attended therapy sessions since the beginning of last year. I'm going to be transparent and say that I realize that if I want to continue to create more intimate connections with others, I have to be willing to be vulnerable and share my truth. That's why therapy has been so important for my growth. Also, I realized that what I have experienced in life is not as unique as it seems. Many people are in therapy to better themselves, to learn, and to grow. Like many of my other posts, I share this because if it helps even one person, that will make all the difference.


My wounds do not at all define who I am.

I am no longer ashamed of what was done to me.

Many people have experienced similar experiences.


I did so many things IN SPITE of what I've experienced, the decades of pain and confusion and now, I am healing.

I am NOT a victim.

I preserve. I thrive.

I have committed to come home to myself.

Reclaiming who I am.

I am not my wounds. 

I am committed to being better than I was yesterday in motherhood and in life.

I'm committed to breaking the toxic generational patterns.

I deserve to rest and nourish my temple-- my mind, body, and spirit. I deserve joy and not only when I have "proven" myself to others. I am worthy of peace, joy, and warmth.

We all are.

My self-worth is not defined by what I can do and how much I can earn, but by who I am, naturally.

I am worthy just by existing.

This is true for you, too.


You may know your sun sign (based on the day you were born), but do you know your moon sign or rising sign (based on the day and time you were born)?

These signs will help you understand yourself, your personality, a little more.

Your moon sign represents your emotional and physical needs/wants, your comforts, what you need to feel safe, secure & stable.

Your rising sign represents your first impressions, your body, your approach to life, your attitude towards life.

Already, you can see how important these things are to know in your life and important with how you design/adorn your space. By wanting to have a space that looks like someone else's, how are you incorporating what you need? It's okay to be inspired, but there's a thin line there that borders being influenced and therefore having a space with things that will not and can not serve you.

You can grab your birth chart on or I have a short video on how to get it on here.  Once you grab the info, you can search on Google what that moon sign and rising sign means. Start slow because there's a lot of information.

This is a new concept that I am exploring so please join along as I continue this journey. I'm working on this project I called, "Visionary Revamp" where I am diving deeper as I did here in this post to uncover what may be missing in our spaces and how we can connect with our bodies (our metaphysical home) and our physical home.


The biggest question I have had lately was: how does all of this would tie into interior design?

The thing is, our home, our rooms, are the more intimate spaces in our physical lives. When we invite others into these spaces, we may withhold information about what our desires really are, which is understandable.

This can be for many reasons, but here are a few that come to mind about what it may be:

  • We are ashamed about what we truly want our spaces to have/reflect

  • We aren't clear on the intention of the spaces (how we want them to function)

  • We aren't clear on what we need in our spaces to fulfill that intention

  • We are allowing external influences to dictate what out spaces should have

  • We don't understand the energy behind the items we allow into our home

  • We don't understand the energy of the people we allow into our homes

I've done these things before. It's ironic to have gone to school, graduated with a degree in interior design yet I was housing things in my home that did not bring me joy because I felt I needed them... to simply fill space.

Also, I understand first hand that you have to make do with what you got, but once you got an opportunity to upgrade, please do. And that doesn't necessarily mean to go spend lots of money all at once. Get clear on the vision you hold in your mind for your unique space that will allow you to disconnect from the outside world, recharge, heal, and flourish.

See it, then manifest it.

Interior designers are able to help you channel the vision and we collaborate as a team to

manifest it.

That's why it's imperative you choose the right designer for you.

That's why it's imperative to not just got for what's cheap because I'm sure the designer you vibe most with has a service that can help you even if it's through a virtual consult (those are fairly affordable).

A lot of times, you know exactly what you want, you just want confirmation.

You have to trust that your vision is worthy.

You have to trust that your vision is beautiful.

Your vision is yours.

Getting clear on your vision means getting clear on who you are:

  • Who are you today? (not your titles)

  • Who are you becoming? (not your career...)

  • How can your space support you on this journey?

  • What are you currently healing and how are you going about it?

  • What about yourself do you love? Why?

  • What about your space do you love? Why?

  • What about yourself do you not love? Why?

  • What about your space do you not love? Why?

  • What are your core values (what do you stand for)? Think of at least 3-5 different values.

  • How do you honor your spirit? How do you honor your ancestors?

  • What boundaries do you have in place to protect your energy?

The way you treat yourself is reflected in your relationships and your physical home.

It may not seem like it, but once you start to explore and take this journey to self-heal, it will start to make more and more sense.


Please comment down below what you thought about this post.

Does this resonate with you? Did you learn something new? Is there something you'd like for me to explore more of?

Also, feel free to let me know what has helped you get more clear on your home's needs!

Things are changing and we have to be a little curious, a little adventurous and risk-taking to break out of the constraints of other people's perceptions of what is beautiful and what is now.

Take care,



Book List for 2020/2021


2019 Prepared Me For This: & 2018 Prepared Me For 2019