Powerful Reminder: Full Moon in Aquarius

Happy Full Moon in Aquarius!

Today at 9:35 PM ET we have the Full Moon in Aquarius at 19°.

This moon phase is an important one because it marks the halfway point for the Taurus-Scorpio Eclipse cycle we are currently in. Each Eclipse cycle lasts six months. Also, it’s helpful for us to be able to look back at the New Moon in Aquarius for what was happening as we were leading up to the Eclipse as well as what is the current story playing out as we’ve reached a climactic point.

Honestly, it’s making me feel like Go Bravely from Londrelle’s “Stay Free” album is the energy we want to attune to.

For quick reference, the New Moon in Aquarius occurred on February 1st.

Below, I’m sharing the energy of this Full Moon as well as the Moon Journal Prompts to help you harness this powerful energy. Full Moons are about endings, letting go, and receiving clarity for the next two weeks.

full moon energy

This Full Moon is asking us to stop trying to force old structures and systems to work when those structures and systems have failed time and time again. On a personal scale, that looks like habits, beliefs, thought processes, relationship dynamics, and environments we frequent including work and social spaces. The sign of Aquarius is future-focused which is great energy to tap into so you can start to see how what you are currently entertaining is either helping your mission or causing blocks.

It’s Leo season so it’s time to release what is dimming your shine. If there are limiting beliefs you have that have you feeling insecure or feeling afraid to be seen, it’s a good idea to unpack where that frame of mind came from. Inner child healing is a great way to start to nurture the younger you that was hurt in the past and is showing up in your adult world today.

Just like the New Moon we just had, the Sun and Moon are making a square to Uranus, the wild card, so expect the unexpected. There are ways to prepare, of course. The best advice is to proceed with caution and follow your intuition. Also, try not to focus on what’s “good or bad” and allow things to be just what are. The difference this time around is we have Saturn in the mix with a tight aspect to the Sun, Moon, and Uranus. Saturn is going to show us where we need to tighten up our boundaries and usually, that’s with tests and challenges so we can experience our current boundaries (or lack of) can endure.


When I come up with the questions for the Moon Journal Prompts, I take into account the energy of the planets as well as the Collective energy via Oracle cards or Tarot cards.

For this lunation, I decided to use the Sacred Destiny Oracle deck and Boriken Oracle deck.

Sacred Destiny Oracle:

Purification: rain, sunflower, rebirth, release, renewal, detox, declutter, unclog

“It’s difficult for new, vibrant energy to enter your life if it is clogged with old and outdated energy… This is a great time for a detox, clutter clearing, and space clearing.”

This energy is the Sun and Moon squaring Uranus. It’s time to recharge and rest as the Moon moves into its dark phases. It’s a great time to move things around so you can what you really want to keep and what you are willing to let go of. Allow yourself to feel any emotions that come up to be released. Let yourself cry, yell into a pillow, dance, or sweat it out. Remember emotions are energy in motion. Let the emotions flow on and out.

Protection: thunder, mature oak tree, wisdom, strength, deeply rooted, weather the storm

“The roots of the oak go as deep into the earth as its branches reach into the sky… Great wisdom is expanding within you, and others sense this.”

This card further explains the Sun and Moon in squaring Uranus in Taurus and bringing in the Moon conjunct Saturn in Aquarius energy. Squares are irritating, frustrating, and challenging, but ultimately, these aspects show you areas in life that could benefit from a shift in direction and perspective. Saturn is here to provide you with the wisdom you’ll claim once the storm has passed. Uranus brings the plot twists that don’t immediately make sense, but you’ll see soon enough that you needed that initiation into a new way of being and doing things. Ultimately, allow things to fall into place. Focus on what you have control over and try not to stress the rest.

Patience (reversed): crane in flight, dense fog, stillness, waiting, obscured visibility, intuition

“We can’t see what’s ahead, and things that look one way in the fog will look another way in the light. However, when you can’t perceive what’s on the horizon in life, your imagination can surge forward, and your sixth sense can be ignited.”

This card is definitely a warning with Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces. This energy is not the best for taking physical action but is great for visualization. You may only be seeing part of a situation whether it’s because your emotions are clouding your judgment or because the important missing details haven’t been revealed yet. Either way, it’s time to pause and meditate on the next best step.

Forgiveness: shadow, sunset, new cycle, release regret, be aware of your sights

It’s human to want to hold on to the past— our memories, experiences, and relationships. However, there can be times when we are carrying so much of the past that we can’t fully see the present… fully immerse yourself in the here and now.

This card is definitely Mars in Taurus also making a trine to Pluto in Capricorn with a hint of Venus just entering Leo after opposing Pluto. Mars is meeting up with Neptune where we’ll receive some downloads from the astral realm and then Pluto will show us what needs to be purged. Pluto in Capricorn is all about drastically transforming structures and things that have authority over us. Mars is all about that action so once you’ve received clarity, you can start to deconstruct what’s come to the surface. With Venus having just opposed Pluto, We may have seen some turbulence with our relationships and personal values. Now that Venus is in Leo, she’s ready to shine solo on the stage of life. Be here now, embrace your authentic version of yourself and who and what is meant to be in your space will start to gravitate to you.

From the Boriken Oracle deck, I received: Reflection

Harsh self-judgment and criticism no longer serve you. Take some time to embrace reflection and visualization in order to elevate to the next level. Your Ancestors are here to help you find the truth of who you are.”

I love this card for this moon cycle. It doesn’t help to start going down a shame spiral as you reflect on the things/people/situations that have been holding you back. It’s time to take what you need and drop the rest. Lighten the load and trust that you have everything you need to make a change in your life today. Change doesn’t always have to be drastic either. Simply deciding to read a book for 30 minutes instead of scrolling on Instagram makes a difference. Making a conscious decision to eat more nourishing foods and drink water is a change you can make.

Change happens in the small steps we take and build over time. Ask for help if you need it and keep your eyes open for clues on your next best step. It’s like that audio that people used on Reels/Tik Tok where people ask the Universe where to focus their energy and a voice responds, “Clean your dishes” or “fold your laundry”.

Here’s one of the videos I saw on Big Empress Energy’s IG.

Basically, the energy works if you do. No more passiveness. Take the driver’s seat in your life and let life respond to you in the ways you want instead of accepting whatever comes your way.

Moon journal prompts

Use these prompts to journal with or meditate on. If you’re like me, retreating to a quiet space in your home, putting on some background music like solfeggio frequencies or my new favorite, “Faith’s Hymn” by Beautiful Chorus, and lighting a candle or incense helps calm the mind and allows you to tune in to what’s trying to get your attention. (I link my favorite playlists from Apple Music so you can tune in).

Post new Moon Reflections:

Stay tuned for post-moon reflections on Monday!


It was a really interesting few hours leading up to the Full Moon last night. One thing that came up for me after I dealt with a situation yesterday was how I still feel hurt from the many times when people told me they couldn’t help me. They had the authority to, but because of how their structures were set up, they wouldn’t or couldn’t help me. I was reflecting in particular on how institutions and corporations do this. I did my best to focus on finding a solution to my problem rather than focusing on the people who said they couldn’t help. I had to respect that boundary being formed. Thankfully, I was able to find the correct help. I decided to not be bitter and thinking about the other person’s karma (

Instagram post by @__ propheta__

Instagram post by @theRobertaShow

Instagram post by @eboneedavis

Instagram post by @mrchazz

Instagram post by @animamundiherbals

Take care,



Creating Safe Space: New Moon in Virgo


A New Day Is Dawning: New Moon in Leo