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Welcome to “ASPIRE. CREATE. INSPIRE.” In this episode, I’ll be sharing with you the origin story of the name of the podcast and a little bit about me. Also, I’ll share with you my intentions for this podcast and journal prompts for the Full Moon that occurs today.

One thing I love to do is look up the definitions of words. There tend to be additional messages connected to the original intention of the word’s meaning. A lot of times in society, we define words, but the true meaning loses its essence as it passes through many minds and mouths.

It makes perfect sense to talk about the backstory of how I chose the name ASPIRE.CREATE.INSPIRE. and how it all came together. 

So, where does the name come from? The name came after seeing, "Dream, create, inspire" when I was a senior in high school back in 2008/2009. I don’t remember where I saw it, to be honest, but it struck a chord in me. I think it had something to do with a fashion line since I went to a fashion-focused high school. In case you’re wondering, I attended the High School of Fashion Industries in Manhattan where I majored in Art.

For a long time, I felt I was meant to create something meaningful and impactful and I still feel that way. I wasn’t sure at that point in time what I would do and what kind of impact I wanted to focus on. I knew I wanted to be a part of a community, a want that had much to do with feeling pretty alone in high school after my two close friends moved on to other schools. Also, at that time, I was planning for the next stage of my life—college. 

What’s In A Name?

So, I wanna add a quick side note: I actually came across an article online recently from Psychology Today titled, What’s In A Name?. I had the phrase, “what’s in a name”  come to mind as I was outlining this episode. I was planning to use the phrase here so, I wanted to make sure I was referencing it correctly. I decided to look it up and this post stood out to me on the search engine. 

As I started reading the article, I was introduced to a new perspective on the meaning of names. In the article it says,

“Our name, like a gift or curse, initially defines us in relation to those who have given it.”

The name of my podcast, like other podcasts, has a special meaning that is also attached to a moment in time in my life. 

Then, I continued to read the paragraph and it said something that stretched my perspective further:

A name is a house, but not always a home or place where one feels the freedom to be oneself.”

I stuck with the words, “Aspire” “Create” and “Inspire” because I felt like I was aspiring to be something, someone. I wanted to create lasting change and with the things I accomplish, I’d like to inspire others to feel empowered to create lasting change in their lives, too.

It’s kind of funny how easy it is to name something and not realize the energy attached to it. A podcast is digital real estate like a website. I believe a good question to think about when naming something is: “How is the name of this thing allowing the intention I have to flow?”

When people enter a space to tune in, to consume the content, they are essentially “eating” the content up, they are taking in the overall energy including the intentions behind it.

As people stay around, some will probably ask themselves,

Is this space welcoming? Is it encouraging? Do I feel like I belong here?

And The creator should periodically do this, too. At least that’s how an equal exchange should work.

The journey

When I started my blog in 2017, I started it with the desire to have an outlet, a channel for my creativity and self-expression, and to be honest, I wanted to be recognized by the interior design firms I was applying to at that time. It was cool for a little while, posting decor ideas I had and inspiration, but then I wanted to write about the journey I was embarking on. I didn’t want to just write about decor and interior design. I started talking about my journey as a working mom and aspiring interior designer. Then, that shifted to being a mom and self-employed. What stayed the same was sharing the journey. In each post, I would say, “ I share this in hopes that this helps even just one person”

Soon after, that’s when the name resurfaced in my mind. I was surprised to even remember it after all those years, it’d been about eight years by then. I took it as a sign that what I felt passionate about back then in 2009 was still wanting to be pursued in the present. My blog shifted into a place where I wanted to encourage other new and aspiring designers to keep going, especially if you are a parent, especially if you are the first in your family to become an entrepreneur and business owner. I wanted to help others shift their mindset just as I was working on doing within myself. I was looking at this from the perspective of who I wished I had in my corner when I was just getting started. 

Again, over time, I realized that my vision for this name, this container, was shifting and becoming more clear to me what it wanted me to mold it into. 

A foundation was being built and it was asking more of me and asking me to try something new. That’s when I felt the call to start a podcast. I wanted to reach people in new ways by using my voice, the medium that has been the hardest for me to express from. I have found that when I use my voice consciously and with intention, the message that comes through has the power to shake something within others. My words and energy create transformation. I noticed some people come to me for a transformation, but don’t realize the depth of what they are signing up for and that can make people uneasy. I used to think it was a “me” problem, but when I sat with it and looked back, we were both just unaware of what was happening deep down and the indirect exchange we were having. 

As an interior designer, I’m transforming homes into places of restful solitude, a place of belonging, a place of deep connection and intimacy. In my personal life, as I’ve committed to doing the work of reprogramming my mind and deconditioning aspects of myself to leave a healthy and long-lasting legacy for my children, not only am I evolving but so are those around me. I had to settle into the fact that I had to go first in order for the changes to happen. 

And I want this for so many other people, too—other mothers, other families, and children. In order for the next generation to have solid foundations, we have to build it for and with them— and it all starts with a commitment and partnership. I strive to motivate women and mothers to be courageous in their pursuit of continuing their spiritual journey of coming back home to themselves. To guide and support them as they rediscover their inner child with the mindset, resources, and support for success. That’s the connection I feel a lot of us are missing, the connection to our innocence and the true authentic expression of our hearts.

I believe Beauty is in the details and beauty can be found in the darkness—in stillness.  

On Instagram, I reshare a lot of mental health and spiritual content on my page because I want to make sure someone else can receive the message and confirmation they need just as I did. Basically, I want to keep the message flowing so it reaches all that need to see it. In the last couple of years, I had a hard time with where I was going with sharing this content and sharing my work. I felt like the two topics needed to be separate because that’s what I often saw people do. It didn’t feel right to me.

I feel my podcast and audio blog is a container for sharing with others in a way that is directly aiming to connect and share more of who I am. I’ll share what I’m talking about on social media as an invitation and you can decide to come to a space I cultivated for you to listen, to tune in. I feel deeply that what I am sharing will reach the right people and this is the way I can best do it to bring all that I reshare on Instagram into one intimate space.

Here’s to growth

In 2020, I feel like I really grew into myself, the seed of myself had cracked open, sprouting little buds, and started growing up through the soil, not yet ready to burst through the threshold of the dirt. I could feel the warmth of the sun above shining and I was feeling watered and nourished as I tended to myself. I was posting the downloads, the insights I received on my Instagram page that related to how we were now interacting with our homes, our neighborhoods, our families, what we consumed, and what we truly valued. I could see how things were starting to change.

I wanted to connect with others on a deeper level and those who resonated with what I shared did, too. I wanted to provide reflecting and probing questions that could lead us to deeper clarity and acceptance. That’s when I started posting Moon Journal Prompts that followed each New Moon and Full Moon. I really enjoyed creating the journal prompts because it allowed me to test and share my knowledge of Astrology and allowed me to tap into my intuitive gifts. Also, it allowed me to help others as I helped myself. 

With that being said, I’m bringing back the Moon Journal Prompts, but I’m thinking about sharing a little more of my thoughts here on the podcast to help connect the dots.

Today, March 18, we are experiencing the last Full Moon of the energetic year— the Full Moon in Virgo at 27° at 3:17AM EST.

It’s a prime time to cleanse your mind & Spirit.

Virgoruled by Mercury, deals with the mind, special attention to details, a need to at times, overanalyze and perfect. Pisces, ruled by Jupiter/Neptune, deals with our spirit, imagination, going with the flow, the unconscious, self-sacrifice & self-sabotage as a means of helping others.

Overall, be mindful of what you say yes to.

There is a heavy transformation occurring as the Moon forms a harmonious trine to Pluto. Don't fight what comes up to the surface. Not everything is as it appears with the concentrated energies in Pisces between the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and Neptune.

Both of Pisces’ rulers are moving closer together creating energy better used for dreaming, creating, and tapping into your intuition. Communication isn’t straightforward right now.

Be compassionate, use discernment, uphold your boundaries with people, spaces, and things, and leave the rest to the Divine & your honorable ancestors.

Journal Prompts


I hope these questions help you close out this energetic year in a way that feels light & refreshing.

Talk to you soon.

Take care.

Show Notes:


What’s In A Name?- Psychology Today


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EPISODE# 3: Finding My Voice + A Little Astrology & HD


EPISODE #1 The Birth of Visionary Revamp